The diffserv approach to providing QoS in networks employs a small, well-defined setof bui

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  • 来源:大数据
The diffserv approach to providing QoS in networks employs a small, well-defined set of building blocks from which you can build a variety of(). Its aim is to define the differentiated services (DS) byte, the Type of Service (ToS) byte from the Internet Protocol Version 4 ()and the Traffic Class byte from IP Version 6, and mark the standardized DS byte of the packet such that it receives a particular forwarding treatment, or per-hop behavior (PHB), at each network node. The diffserv architecture provides a()within which service providers can offer customers a range of network services, each differentiated based on performance. A customer can choose the ()level needed on a packet-by-packet basis by simply marking the packet&39;s Differentiated Services Code Point (DSCP) field to a specific value.This () specifies the PHB given to the packet within the service provider network. A.servicesB.UsersC.networksD.structuresA.messageB.PacketC.headerD.packageA.informationB.StructureC.meansD.frameworkA.performanceB.SecureC.privacyD.dataA. packetB.valueC.serviceD.paragraph 请帮忙给出正确答案和分析,谢谢!

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