阅读以下对话,选择最佳答案填空MARTIN: Good afternoon. I"m Martin Learner.ASST: Good a

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阅读以下对话,选择最佳答案填空 MARTIN: Good afternoon. I"m Martin Learner. ASST: Good afternoon, Mr. Learner. I"m Mayor Walker’s assistant. The Mayor is expecting you. Please go in. MARTIN: Thank you. MARTIN: Good afternoon, Mayor Walker. MAYOR: Hello. How are you? MARTIN: Fine, Thanks. How are you? MAYOR: Fine, thanks. What can I do for you? MARTIN: I"m a reporter. I want to talk ________ the work people do in this town. 6.A、about B、with C、to D、for MAYOR: Fine. MARTIN: How long have you been mayor of Greentown? MAYOR: Three years. MARTIN: Bow many people live in Greentown? MAYOR: Thirteen thousand. MARTIN: Let"s talk about the work people do. What do they do? MAYOR: They ________ in small factories. They work in small businesses. 7.A、working B、works C、work D、worked MARTIN: How many factories do you have? MAYOR: We have five small factories. MARTIN: What do they make? MAYOR: Look at these pictures. ________ these people? 8.A、See B、Look C、Watch D、Observe MARTIN: Yes. MAYOR: They work in the battery factory. They make batteries. MARTIN: What do they make? MAYOR: They work in the tire factory. They make tires. MARTIN: What do they make? MAYOR: They work in the glass factory. MARTIN: What do they ________? 9.A、do B、produce C、generate D、make MAYOR: They make bottles. And they make plastic bags. Come see the town. MARTIN: Thank you. I"d like that. MAYOR: Do you see those people? They work on the roads and streets. MARTIN: I see. Bow many teachers do you have? MAYOR: ________ one hunted. They teach in the schools. Look at that school. 10.A、In B、For C、By D、About MARTIN: Is it a new school? MAYOR: Yes, it is. Twenty teachers teach in that school. MARTIN: Is that a hospital? MAYOR: Yes, it is. It’s small. Twenty-three nurses work in the hospital.

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